A 7 year old Patterdale terrier named Bumblebee was referred to the Northwest Referrals with a history of fits and low blood glucose concentration, increased apetite and shaking. Pancreatic mass ( insulinoma) was suspected and initial bloodwork showed marked hypoglycaemia. These types of tumours are malignant and have potential to spread to the other organs. CT scan of the chest, abdomen and MRI of the brain were performed to evaluate for any abnormalities. CT scan fortunately for the patient turned out to be clear of metastatic disease, but unfortunately there was a mass on the pancreas as suspected. MRI scan showed the condition called Arachnoid diverticula(which is a fluid accumulation on top of the cerebellum in the back of the skull which was not significant clinically) – These ones are often treated with decompression of the occipital bone( back of skul) and shunt placement which connects the fluid in the brain and abdominal cavity. In case of Bumbebee that was not necessary. We performed resection of the pancreatic tumour with a margin and hospitalised the patient until he was ready to be taken by his owners home. Bumblebee made a good recovery and is running around the garden chasing birds as he usually did before he got ill.