We are a Referral centre that offer Orthopaedic, Neurology and soft tissue surgery with in-house MRI & CT.

What is BOAS

a vet checking boas in dog
Posted On December 7, 2023 / Posted in Soft Tissue Surgery

What is BOAS

Brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome, commonly known as BOAS, is a condition that occurs in certain breeds of dogs, where their shortened nose causes narrowing of their airways, an overly long soft palate,

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Dog recovering from TPLO surgery walking with sling support
Posted On / Posted in Orthopaedic Surgery

TPLO Recovery

It can seem very daunting when faced with a 12-week recovery period after your dog's TPLO procedure. However, to give your dog the best chance to be able to enjoy full use

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