We are a Referral centre that offer Orthopaedic, Neurology and soft tissue surgery with in-house MRI & CT.
Total Ear Canal Ablation
Posted On September 16, 2019 / Posted in Case Studies

Total Ear Canal Ablation (TECA)

Petal was a young bouncy Bulldog – her worried owners presented with her as they’d noticed that her eye was bulging out of its socket...

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Outstanding RCVS Awards
Posted On September 5, 2019 / Posted in General

Oustanding RCVS Awards

We are delighted to announce that we were awarded the prestigious “OUTSTANDING” award from the RCVS in both Diagnostic Imaging and Client Services.

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Endoscopy and Thoracotomy
Posted On July 1, 2019 / Posted in Case Studies

Endoscopy and Thoracotomy

Jerry - a 3-year-old neutered male west highland white terrier was referred to Northwest referrals with a history of anorexia for 48 hrs ...

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Lung Lobectomy
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Lung Lobectomy

Petal was a young bouncy Bulldog – her worried owners presented with her as they’d noticed that her eye was bulging out of its socket...

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Fig: 1.4
Posted On June 20, 2019 / Posted in Case Studies

Fractured leg

Ron 3 year old male pomeranian canine was referred to the Northwest Referrals with a history of a trauma and severe lameness of the left front limb.

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Fractured Pelvis
Posted On June 7, 2019 / Posted in Case Studies

Fracture repair

Pelvic fractures are common, representing 20-30% of fractures in small animals. They are most commonly seen in young, healthy dogs and cats

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Cranial cruciate ligament
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Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture in Dogs

Petal was a young bouncy Bulldog – her worried owners presented with her as they’d noticed that her eye was bulging out of its socket...

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Angular Limb Deformities
Posted On May 2, 2019 / Posted in Case Studies

Angular Limb Deformities

Petal was a young bouncy Bulldog – her worried owners presented with her as they’d noticed that her eye was bulging out of its socket...

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Tiny CT Scan
Posted On February 6, 2019 / Posted in Case Studies


Petal was a young bouncy Bulldog – her worried owners presented with her as they’d noticed that her eye was bulging out of its socket...

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Peanut Steve CT Scan
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Peanut Steve

Petal was a young bouncy Bulldog – her worried owners presented with her as they’d noticed that her eye was bulging out of its socket...

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